of Wind Power Capacity in GR, LV, and PL through Increased Wind Farm Deployment
Increase in the deployment rate of wind farms, leading to the expansion of wind power capacity and an increased share of wind energy in the energy mix of GR, LV and PL, in accordance with the national energy and climate plans.
Biodiversity Protection in Wind Energy Projects
Improved local implementation of national biodiversity strategies through improved pre-deployment planning, permanent monitoring and protection mechanisms for all wind energy projects, and increased involvement of the civil society in the identification and mitigation of biodiversity threats. In the case of Latvia, project-derived results and knowledge exchanges will also provide input to the development of a national biodiversity strategy.
energy as an alternative for just transition and green growth in Greece and
Supporting the just transition efforts of Greece (especially Peloponnese, where Western Greece region is partly located) and Poland (approximately 100,000 jobs in Poland and 10,000 in Greece are directly related to coal mining and energy production), by providing an alternative to fossil fuel-based energy production and utilizing wind energy as a fulcrum for green growth and regional development (Greece has planned €44B in green investments until 2030, Poland will require an additional €400B in investments until 2050 to completely phase out fossil fuels).
Energy Boosting Decarbonization of Other Sectors
Increased impetus to the decarbonisation of other economic sectors (e.g. transportation) through the increase in the green electricity production capacity.
public perception and political support for wind energy
Improved perception of the wind energy sector by the civil society and increased political support for wind energy, leading to additional funding for research and development activities and a more prominent role for wind energy in future energy strategies.
the Wind4Bio approach to other sectors and issues
Adoption and application of the Wind4Bio approach on mitigating the impact of wind energy sector on biodiversity to other sectors facing similar issues or issues that can be addressed by incorporating the Wind4Bio approach and results. Indicatively, this could entail the impact of solar farms on microclimate and local biodiversity or habitat loss due to the creation of hydropower reservoirs. On a more abstract level, the Bio4Wind approach might serve as a paradigm of addressing the negative externalities of an otherwise desirable economic activity and reaching a modus vivendi between commercial viability and nature preservation.